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Riding The Social Media Wave Into 2012

posted on 12/28/2011

If you are part of the 62 million people with a Google+ account, here's your invitation to join Contracting Profits' circle on the newest social media tool to hit the market. If not, perhaps you'll be part of the 400 million projected to join by the end of 2012. Either way, we'd love to have all of our readers on board!

The nature of how we get our news is changing. Avid social media users don’t bother to visit actual news sites anymore; rather, the news comes to them, via social media feeds (their own or the feeds of the people and organizations they follow). At Contracting Profits, we want to be riding with you on that social media wave into 2012.

Hopefully you're already following the daily news, multimedia special features and monthly articles here on CleanLink, as well as on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. In addition to linking to that content, we'll provide daily links to interesting news pieces from all over the Internet, and users will have the chance to interact using posts, photos and links of their own.

I would encourage you to check us out on Google+, follow us on Twitter, friend us on Facebook and join us on LinkedIn. Let us know what you think!