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2024 Emerging Leader Nomination Form

Contracting Profits is soliciting nominations for its Emerging Leader Award, as part of the BSCAI's CLEAN Awards program.

Award Criteria:

  • Nominee must be 40 years or younger in 2024
  • Nominee must be the owner of a contract cleaning company or a member of the company's executive team
  • Nominee's company must be a member of BSCAI
  • Nominee can not be self-nominated

Candidates will be evaluated based on:

  • Positive contributions made to the contract cleaning industry
  • Strategic and innovative thinking outside the box
  • Demonstrated leadership and quality work that sets an example while including others
  • Ability to lead during challenging situations, and provide constructive problem-solving
  • Contribution to the organization's success and industry respect

Please keep these criteria in mind while answering the following questions. Be as descriptive as possible as this is what will be used to determine the winner.

Nomination deadline:
July 19, 2024

Contracting Profits will recognize the winner at the CLEAN Awards presentation during the BSCAI Contracting Success Conference in Las Vegas this November, as well as publish a profile in the magazine's November issue.

Questions? Contact Corinne Zudonyi, Contracting Profits Editor-in-Chief at