Part two of this three-part article looks at Bruland's company, Management Services Northwest.The care for her team members also translates into care for her clients.
“We care deeply about our team and customers and will go the extra mile,” says Bruland. “We have a promise of ‘We’ll Take Care of It’ in responding quickly and effectively to our clients’ needs. We strive to do it right the first time.”
Doing it right the first time has surely played a part in MSNW’s ability to withstand the challenges in the business, such as the economic downturn, hiring shortages and increasing regulation. But Bruland also believes that the company’s sustainability has to do with the drive to progress and persevere.
In good times, and especially during difficult ones, Bruland turns to two actions over and over again: optimism and tenacity.
“Optimism is choosing a positive perspective in every situation and surrounding myself with others with the same mindset,” she says. “Tenacity is never giving up, no matter what happens. When you fall down or are kicked down, you always get back up, put one foot in front of the other and keep going. When we choose this mindset, we will give our best, and learn and grow in the process.”
Another important aspect of Bruland’s core beliefs is giving back to the community.
“Since the time I was a little girl, I have been taught the importance of giving,” she says. “Growing up in a home where my parents were wonderful examples of volunteering time, energy and money to important causes, I learned the importance of giving to others. As an adult, I don’t see giving as an option but a responsibility. When we have been blessed, we should bless others.”
At MSNW, Bruland surrounds herself with a team that also shares this spirit of philanthropy. Team members volunteer their time in their children’s schools, churches and any number of community programs. Staff members have cleaned homes and yards, completed building projects and sponsored community events. One of the highlights in the last few years was helping a local women’s care shelter by hosting its annual auction. More than 40 MSNW volunteers gave their time to ensure women and children had an opportunity for a fresh start.
BSCAI President Janelle Bruland Shares Her Secret To Success
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