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Case Studies & White Papers

Case studies & white papers for the cleaning professional

Carpet Care: Loving the Jetless Wand

Charlie Helferich of Charlie's Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning, Ruston, La., was called on to clean the carpets in a “trashed home” that had been vacant for quite some time.
He knew to get the job done he would need some extra cleaning power. That’s why he decided to bring in HydraMaster’s Rotary DriMaster in combination with his Boxxer 427, also from HydraMaster.
The Rotary DriMaster uses jetless technology, replacing spray jets found on most conventional wands with a more effective high-flow, high-recovery cleaning head. The system produces 300 psi, releasing 1.5 gallons of cleaning solution into carpets per minute.
Not only is it effective, it leaves carpets six times drier than conventional wands.
“I could not believe how clean the carpets were after [I finished],” says Helferich. “They were like new. I don't feel that I could have produced the same results with just a wand.”