When choosing a fragrance for restroom odor control products, end users can practically choose any scent they can think of: Pina Colada, Baby Powder, Mango, Creamsicle, Coffee, Cotton, the list goes on and on. Some of the most popular fragrances, however, continue to be the most common: citrus and cinnamon.

If switching to a new fragrance, keep building occupants in mind. If sensitive occupants are known to work in or visit the facility, cleaning staffs should choose a more mild fragrance. If in doubt, ask the distributor or manufacturer if a scratch-and-sniff card is available for the product.

Also when switching fragrances, make sure all odor control devices in the restroom — including wall-mounted dispensers, urinal mats and urinal screens — all have the same fragrance. Some scents don’t mix well with others and can be offensive.

posted on 9/30/2011