The Plan C budget means that the BSC (Building Service Contractor) needs to focus more closely on training for productivity gains, utilizing the best products (longer lasting finishes), monitoring morale and conducting QC inspections to document what is actually happening on a day to day basis.
When possible, they should participate in any scheduled staff meetings to share with the tenants progress being made and soliciting their feedback and ideas on how they can do a better job. They should thank (when able to do so honestly) the tenants for their part in keeping the building cleaner. They might note that the BSC has a web site that the management can use to contact the BSC directly day or night. They should, if allowed, share trending graphs regarding complaints and requests. They should reemphasize that certain requests will now have to be forwarded through management before the task can be performed since there may be an additional charge.
Give the tenants time to share their thoughts but do not allow it to become a gripe session with one or two complainers looking for the limelight. If the question is outside the purview of the BSC authority, they should defer it to management to avoid any conflicts in the response. Seldom does it pay to apologize but taking ownership of providing a clean, safe work environment within the current budget can go a long ways in establishing credibility.
Stressing the need to clean for a healthy environment with a focus on key high profile areas can go a long ways in minimizing complaints during a Plan C. We will continue to take a look at the differences in Plan A, B and C in future articles.
Your comments and questions are always welcome. I hope to hear from you soon. Until then, keep it clean...
Mickey Crowe has been involved in the industry for over 35 years. He is a trainer, speaker and consultant. You can reach Mickey at 678.314.2171 or
posted on 5/2/2014