Periodically I like to get back to the basics of cleaning since we all need reminders along the way of the steps necessary to clean a facility effectively and safely. Remember:

As you set up your cart, you might consider developing a check list of what should be on it for each route/run that you have. As we mentioned, PPE's are very important. This means that they should be clean, in good repair and usable by the front line worker. Gloves should not be shared along with eye wear unless you are assured that they have been at least sanitized between uses. The cart may require access keys or cards that allow a worker to gain entry into secure areas such as offices and storage areas not accessible by visitors or even some staff. Be sure that you have a key management system that may require sign in/out procedures for keys. A supervisory level person should verify use and location of all keys at all times. The cost of having to rekey an area only once is far more than having an effective key tracking system.

Be sure that the custodial cart, barrel or other equipment is clean and well maintained. Nothing is worse than a hapless worker having his/her cart tumble due to a rusty wheel or imbalanced aprons. Of course, what is stored on the cart or barrel with be determined by factors including zone or team cleaning as well as the function of the route. We will look at the rest of the cart in a future article.

Please note there are just suggestions that you will need to adapt to your particular situation and region. Laws and guidance may vary. Go to for specific guidance.

Your comments and questions are important. I hope to hear from you soon. Until then, keep it clean...

Mickey Crowe has been involved in the industry for over 35 years. He is a trainer, speaker and consultant. You can reach Mickey at 678-314-2171 or

posted on 2/20/2015