A reader writes: “I liked your Lexus versus Yugo story at the workshop you conducted. How do I get perceived as a Lexus with a Yugo price?”
I am often surprised at how many people respond to stories and analogies that have nothing to do with custodial operations. My Lexus versus Yugo illustration was that you need to make sure you are perceived as providing Lexus style service at a good price rather than be perceived as providing Yugo service at a Lexus price. The key work of course is “perception” since we can have the best metrics in the world and not satisfy a customer who either gets complaints or notes that their rest room is not up to their standards.
One of my favorite quotes from my manuals is: “The BSC’s (Building Service Contractors) that know their numbers, train to a standard, adapt to new challenges, use Custodial Best Practices, expand their customer base and aggressively pursue keeping their current customers satisfied and engaged will be the one to survive the downturns in the economy and unexpected surprises. They will be perceived as Best Value since they bring professionalism such as industry certifications for not only their company but also their staff. Such certifications set them apart from the herd and can allow them to negotiate from a position of strength and knowledge. If your company is failing to train to a standard while using dated equipment and processes resulting in low productivity and high costs, your day may be numbered.”
Do you know what your customer not only expects in the contract but also what they expect personally? Remember that we are in the “people business” and value is like beauty. It is all in the eye of the beholder.
Your comments and questions are important. I hope to hear from you soon. Until then, keep it clean...
Mickey Crowe has been involved in the industry for over 35 years. He is a trainer, speaker and consultant. You can reach Mickey at 678-314-2171 or CTCG50@comcast.net
posted on 9/23/2016