Depending on a facility’s square footage, floor machines can consume considerable amounts of water and chemical when cleaning a floor. Realizing that this process is heavy on chemical consumption, technology has been designed that eliminates the need for any chemicals by only using electrolyzed tap water, which cleans like a detergent, in automatic scrubbers.

The way it works is the tap water first passes through an electrified screen in the machine’s oxygenation chamber, creating highly oxygenated microbubbles. Next, the oxygenated water is sent through a water cell where an electric current is applied, creating a stream of blended, highly charged acidic and alkaline water that has the same attributes of a general purpose cleaner. In this activated state, the electrically charged water then breaks down dirt into small particles, removes it from the floor surface, and about 45 seconds later, the water returns to its original state and can be handled and disposed of safely.

Because these new machines eliminate the need for chemicals, cleaning personnel are no longer responsible for mixing concentrates of chemicals. Also eliminated from the floor cleaning process is the step of pouring used detergent discharge down the drain and into water systems, which is an added environmental benefit.

Environmental benefits also turn into savings, as manufacturers say these machines also reduce water usage by 70 percent vs. traditional floor cleaning methods.

posted on 2/1/2010