In most cases a doctor’s office is the same as any office except the possibility of infection is higher simply because a lot of sick people end up there. Please reference comments from past article regarding selecting a cleaning service that understands your needs for not only appearance but actual disinfection when they service the account.
Although I believe that the exam rooms are crucial as to disinfecting, I suggest that the waiting room(s) and public rest room(s) are a higher source of concern simply due to the fact that sick patients touch a lot of different objects while awaiting their turn. I recommend against having any toys in the area for children unless there are strict protocols for disinfecting them. This is usually impractical and expensive. Why have a source of contagion transfer available to our most vulnerable patients: children?
When the cleaning service arrives, they should have clear guidance on issues such as touch points, dwell time, rotating/laundering cloths, using clean mop water/mop heads and vacuuming with a HEPA type vacuum system that captures as much dust as possible. I do not support the use of the old standby pine scent or other deodorized cleaners that simply add to air pollution and do not do much good as far as real disinfection. My position is that a doctor’s office does not have to smell good. It should not smell at all.
Make sure that your cleaning service provides SDS (Safety Data Sheets) on all products used so that there are no surprises. You can have an attractive and disinfected office with a little effort on your part.
Your comments and questions are important. I hope to hear from you soon. Until then, keep it clean...
Mickey Crowe has been involved in the industry for over 35 years. He is a trainer, speaker and consultant. You can reach Mickey at 678-314-2171 or
posted on 12/8/2015