Keeping cleaning staffs motivated is a challenge, but there are simple programs that can be implemented to maintain a happy and productive work environment.

Answering their question: WIIFM (What's In It For Me?) will vary with each employee, which necessitates recognizing and understanding each worker individually. Although the CEO of a large cleaning service cannot have in depth personal conversations with every front line worker he/she can survey different groups and also encourage the use of a Suggestion Box system. Many times an employee will anonymously submit an idea that cannot only benefit the company but themselves as well. For this system to be effective, key management will need to have thick skin and not allow the occasional targeted criticism to offend them.

Another idea that has merit is to have a gift catalog (formal or informally developed) that allows employees to "purchase" items by means of Thank You Bucks (or whatever name they suggest be used). This usually works by having supervisors (and yes, even select customers) to give out a predetermined number of these TY Bucks to employees when they are caught doing something above and beyond their normal tasks. Although there is always the possibility of abuse, it is usually worth the risk.

Once the worker has earned the sufficient number of Bucks, he/she can purchase the item (sales tax included) that means something to them. Awards could include everything from $25.00 gift cards to video games to DVD players to free oil changes. Let your imagination and their suggestions dictate what can be purchased.

Of course, always celebrate milestones when appropriate. Some companies have a Kick Off meeting where everyone is given their first Thank You Buck and an explanation of how they can earn more.

We will continue this analysis in a future article.

Your comments and questions are important. I hope to hear from you soon. Until then, keep it clean...

Mickey Crowe has been involved in the industry for over 35 years. He is a trainer, speaker and consultant. You can reach Mickey at 678-314-2171 or

posted on 4/24/2015