While restrooms regularly feature touchless fixtures, from the toilet to the sink to the towel dispenser or hand dryer, up until recently, the only way to ensure a touch-free entrance and exit was to simply have no door. That solution isn’t feasible for many facilities, however. Now, there are options that include automatic door openers, motion-detected handle disinfection and protection against touching handles or doorknobs. Automatic door openers function with the help of motion-activated sensors — similar to how other automatic doors work. Other products still require occupants to touch the door handle. A spray or mist of disinfectant can released onto the door handle at time intervals determined by facility traffic. Wall-mounted tissue dispensers next to the door allow people to use a tissue as a barrier between hands and a door handle when they exit, preventing cross-contamination. Some products feature covers for door handles, over which fresh covers are automatically dispensed after one use.

posted on 9/25/2009