Most facility owners and managers are surprised when they learn how much water a flush urinal uses during the course of a year. Depending on the type of facility, the number of males using the facility, and other factors, the amount of water usage can be astronomical. For example, in an office building with one urinal and 25 male employees, one urinal may use more than 50,000 gallons of water per year. In an educational facility with 10 urinals and 300 male students, as much as 330,000 gallons of water is being used per school year — approximately 185 days.

Each waterless urinal that replaces a 1 gallon per flush unit with 75 uses per day could save a facility anywhere from $250 to $875 per year. That’s significant savings, especially for those facilities looking to cut operational costs anyway they can.

posted on 7/26/2010