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Incorporating Green Cleaning To Meet Sustainable Demands

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This is Corinne Zudonyi, editor of Housekeeping Solutions magazine and you are listening to CleanTips.

Many facility owners and managers are under pressure to champion environmentally-friendly cleaning. In some states, green is not a choice, but a requirement. Currently, New York, Illinois, Maryland, Connecticut and Hawaii all require schools to use green cleaning products. Missouri and Maine have passed guidelines recommending green cleaning. In Vermont, New Jersey and Illinois, all state-owned facilities are required to be green cleaned. A dozen other states have proposed some form of green legislation and many cities and counties additionally have developed their own green requirements.

As more and more legislation emerges requiring environmentally-friendly cleaning, I asked facilities managers how this push towards green has affected their departments, if at all. The response was not surprising.

In most facilities, cleaners are implementing sustainable cleaning regardless of legislation. In fact, a recent Housekeeping Solutions survey found that 91 percent of our readers will do whatever they can to incorporate green products into the cleaning program.

Ron Edquist, Lake County Housekeeping from Abbot Labs in Illinois, comments that his department is implementing green in an effort to achieve LEED certification.

This is Corinne Zudonyi, editor of Housekeeping Solutions magazine. Thanks for listening to CleanTips.

posted on 6/13/2010