Part two of this two-part article examines how to install and operate small hand sanitizer dispensers.

Fortunately these super-small hand sanitizer dispensers are easy to install and operate. They adhere to any wall or flat surface, such as glass, plastic or brick, using double-sided foam tape.

“When you receive the dispenser you peel off the tape backing and attach it to whatever surface you want to,” says Lewis. “You then press on the dispenser for 15 seconds until you get good contact, and then your dispenser is ready to use.”
Some systems can be attached to surface-mount brackets for placement on tabletops or rail-mount brackets for placement on railings or table edges. Once a table-mounted or rail-mounted bracket is secured, the base of the hand sanitizer system then slides into place.

Small hand sanitizer dispensers offer BSCs versatility and users accessibility. The dispensers’ light weight and compact size
allow for placement in locations where wall or floor space is scarce — or absent altogether.
“It can go anywhere — as long as you can apply it on a surface where you can activate it,” says Lewis.

After successfully mounting the dispenser to the surface and filling it with a 15-ounce bag of hand sanitizer, the unit is ready for use. The dispensers are operated manually to release the product.

“There’s a button outside the dispenser, and you press on it with your thumb or palm,” says Lewis. “Each time you press the dispenser it activates the pump on the bag and hand sanitizer is released from the bag into your hand.”

Each depression of the push bar or button releases anywhere from 1 to 1.5 milliliters of product — enough to provide a sufficient dose of hand sanitizer that kills 99.99 percent of germs, says Wojtkun.

“We don’t have the ability to regulate how many times people push the bar,” he says, “but the product is formulated in such a manner that you only need to push it one time to receive an effective dose.”

Dispensers typically contain about 400 applications per refill; however, this number is variable based on individual usage.

“People sometimes don’t fully depress the bar,” says Wojtkun. “They self-regulate based on hand size.”

Although smaller dispensers may require more frequent refills than a large capacity dispenser, Lewis doesn’t see this as a detriment.

“You usually go through 400 applications before you need to refill them,” he says. “If it’s in a bathroom, the person servicing that bathroom probably has to change out the toilet paper anyway, so they don’t have to make a special trip just for hand sanitizer. And in a grocery line, for instance, you don’t need to change them that often, because you have a possible 400 applications per refill, and not all people will use it when they go through the line.”

Janitors can also tell at a glance whether a new refill is needed, because the product is visible through the dispenser.

Kassandra Kania is a freelance writer based in Charlotte, North Carolina. She is a frequent contributor to Contracting Profits.

previous page of this article:
Fill A Need With Small Hand Sanitizer Dispensers