In “Good Leaders Ask Great Questions,” author John C. Maxwell explores the journey of becoming a successful leader by examining how questions can be used to improve not only your leadership skills, but also the leadership skills of those around you.

The book is laid out in three succinct parts: 1) What questions should leaders ask themselves? 2) What questions should they ask their team members? 3) A question-and-answer section, featuring 70 questions solicited from leaders regarding their most difficult challenges. Some examples include: How can I discover my unique purpose as a leader? What is the most effective daily habit that any leader should develop? How do you motivate an unmotivated person?

This book will help anyone who feels they need guidance on developing their leadership skills. As the leader of my organization, I have been guilty of leading by the mantra of: “Save Time — See It My Way.” My opinions are strong and I always thought I was right. I wasn’t practicing good leadership when I  gettried to force people to see things my way. I was actually alienating them. Equally bad was that I was missing out on valuable input from others who had something to contribute.

By applying the principles derived from the book, I now work to listen first, then lead — i.e., they talk, I listen. I never miss a chance to keep my mouth shut.

Humor me and let me explain with a sports metaphor. In many aspects I am merely the caddy to my A-players actually playing the round. My job is simply to ask questions on the course to help my pro reach the clubhouse in as few of strokes as possible. I do that by asking, “What club do you think here, boss?” Then, when they come up with answer on their own, handing over the club and remaining quiet while they hit the shot. At the end of the day, if we win, I still collect a portion of the winnings.

We all have room to grow as leaders. This book lets you assess your current status, and structure an effective plan to achieve new leadership heights. Furthermore, it will change the way you think about questions. Instead of strictly asking questions to obtain information you think you might already know, it will allow you to transform those same questions into learning and teaching experiences for others.

Here’s the bottom line: You can energize your organization by energizing your people. You energize your people by giving them confidence. You give them confidence by asking great questions and then listening.




Curtis McLemore, CEO
McLemore Building Maintenance, Inc.


“Good Leaders Ask Great Questions”
by John C. Maxwell

John Maxwell is one of the most influential leadership experts in the world. He knows how important asking the right questions can be. Questions can connect people, create great ideas and motivate.

In his book, “Good Leaders Ask Great Questions,” published by Center Street, Maxwell addresses what questions leaders should ask themselves and what they should ask their teams. He even provides answers to 70 leadership questions asked by readers.