7) What trends do you see coming in the contract cleaning industry?

The trends will center on productivity, and being able to do more with less staff as states, counties and municipalities have taken it upon themselves to create a variety of wage and benefit standards, coupled with unknown impacts and/or changes in the Affordable Care Act. 

I also see the impact of technology and less reliance on people. Suppliers will continue to innovate and find new ways to support our industry. The winners will be those that are capable and able to adapt to change, as well as run the business as a business with good sound financial practices. The national companies will continue to acquire companies to gain scale and share, the regional companies are well positioned to compete and grow, and local companies will always have a place — this is a huge industry with millions of facilities that need cleaning. In addition, in-house programs will realize the productivity of well-run contractors and the headache of managing entry-level staff, which will lead to outsourcing and continue to increase the size of our market.

8) The contract cleaning industry is always changing. How will BSCAI remain relevant to BSCs in the next five to 10 years?

We will continue to listen to our members and provide pertinent training and timely education, work with our stakeholders (members, volunteer leadership, vendors and our staff) to offer world-class support. We must listen to our stakeholders and adapt to the changes that will occur. 

BSCAI provides value to members by being the “Business Resource for Contractors.” We will continue to focus on the needs of the contractors, advocate for best practices and provide the resources they need to be successful.

 9) What aspect of the association are you most excited for in 2018?

 I am most excited for the outstanding events planned for this year and the continued growth of our events. We produce events that foster comradery, interaction, discussion and the development of personal relationships with contractors of all sizes. In addition, BSCAI has launched a Learning Management System that will provide education for our members in a new and exciting way that makes it easier for more people in the company to access resources and solutions.

 10) What is your favorite BSCAI memory?

 I have so many great memories. From my first introduction to the industry at a meeting in Bern, Switzerland, in 1979, where the BSCAI helped to form the World Federation of Building Service Contractors, which influenced my decision to get into the business; to all the amazing places that we had meetings at —  just some that come to mind are Hawaii, Mexico, Caribbean, Chicago, Las Vegas, Orlando, Nashville, Phoenix and so many more wonderful opportunities that have created lifelong friends and peers. Hopefully my favorite memory is yet to come. 

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