Hernan Segura
Hernan Segura has built a long, successful career at 4M Building Solutions Photos Courtesy Of 4M Building Solutions

St. Louis-based 4M Building Solutions loves to celebrate the promotions and achievements of its employees — or as the company calls them, "team members." So when a company like 4M, who prides itself on having a large, talented team, chooses one person to nominate for recognition in the Faces of the Frontline series, be assured that means something.

A 17-year "team member" at 4M Building Solutions, Hernan Segura fits the mold of what Contracting Profits seeks to honor in this cherished series. 4M Building Solutions says that Segura has been 100 percent committed to doing what's necessary to help the company succeed since his first shift. He not only takes ownership of any task he's given, but he is more than willing to assist any team member that needs help keeping up with his or her work.

That's not to say Segura volunteers to do the work for his fellow team members. Actually, he's known to encourage others to take on extra responsibility if that's what's necessary for the success of the 4M team.

Segura was promoted to his current position as building supervisor of Beacon/USDA in November of 2019. Since then, he has driven his team to continue cleaning to the highest of standards. He also cleans for another client, KC Southern Railway, before every shift managing staff at the Beacon/USDA building.

Segura's wife, Liz, has had a role in his professional success by helping provide translation when needed. She's also known to bake sweet treats for Hernan and his fellow team members. The Face of The Frontline honor is the second Segura has received in the past year. In 2020, he was named 4M's Team Member of The Year.

Each month this section will recognize an outstanding frontline janitor. To nominate a deserving employee, email jake.meister@tradepress.com