In an industry of high turnover, it can be extremely difficult to motivate those employees who do stick around. People usually look to the big items such as health insurance, retirement savings or annual raises to encourage staff, but often, it can be it can be smaller, less expensive perks that go a longer way.

For example, at my office, Milwaukee Brewers playoff tickets were recently given away. In a baseball enthusiast office — and in a town with a 26-year postseason drought — the gesture was greatly appreciated by employees.

Find out what interests your staff and tailor rewards accordingly. Whether it’s sports tickets or movie passes, employees will appreciate a gift specific to them. Or in this tough economy, give out items that are needed such as gas or grocery gift cards. Whatever the item, you can be sure a little perk here and there can lift staff’s spirits.

Speaking of kind gestures: On Sept. 9, my wife and I welcomed our 6-pound, 11-ounce son, Grahm Oliver, into the world. Thank you to all who e-mailed or stopped by the Contracting Profits booth at ISSA/INTERCLEAN® North America to pass along your congratulations and support.