Most building service contractors tell me they love their jobs most of the time. They put in the long hours and deal with irritated customers, but they like the often chaotic nature of the work. Some love the cleaning task itself, while others appreciate the financial security that a successful business promises. But every BSC hits a bump in the road occasionally, and has second thoughts about cleaning as a career. Some get out, but many of them get over that hump, and resolve the concerns that gave them pause. For those BSCs struggling with career decisions we present our cover story, “Crossroads.” Contributor Lauren Summerstone offers ways for BSCs to respond to their career crisis, and even go on to improve their businesses and personal life. In addition to Summerstone's excellent job-resolution strategies, I’d like to recommend “Five Wisdoms For Entrepreneur Survival,” by BSC Todd Hopkins. He’s been through the start-up and growth phases of owning a cleaning firm, and his book offers solid advice.
BSC Careers: Should You Stay Or Should You Go?
BY Stacie H. Rosenzweig
POSTED ON: 10/1/2005