Michael Herbst, DKI

Contributed By BSCAI

Have you ever walked into your customer's location to find standing water throughout an entire commercial space? How long did the water sit until you, the insurance company or your customer were able to secure mitigation services? Were you able to remain connected to the event such that you could generate any revenue?

BSCAI sat down with Michael Herbst, vice president of training and education for DKI, to discuss how a partnership with DKI could help solidify your foothold in a market, add service lines to your portfolio, maximize your revenue and provide critical services to your clients.

BSCAI: What are some trends you see developing in the property restoration industry?

Michael Herbst: There are many similarities between the building service and the commercial property restoration industries. Mergers and acquisitions, labor shortages and emerging technologies are currently challenging the ecosystem of the commercial restoration industry. It is both a pivotal and exciting time to be part of the industry-leading organization as we forge through solutions to these dynamics for our members and the industry. DKI believes strategic planning and adaptation of new technologies is critical for survival in this enterprising business climate. It is critical to develop strategic partnerships both inside and outside of the restoration industry. Our mission at DKI is to partner with our members and clients to face industry challenges head on as outside forces continue to shape our rapidly evolving industry in the coming years.

To read the full interview, visit bscai.org/contractor-connections-hub