Book Club: New Simon Sinek Book Teaches Teamwork

Simon Sinek is the author of best-sellers “Start With Why” and “Leaders Eat Last.” His TED Talk is currently the third most viewed talk of all time. All of his works focus on building a world in which “the vast majority of us wake up every single morning inspired to go to work, feel safe when we’re there and return home fulfilled at the end of the day.” Frankly, I want my organization to provide that for our team members, and I want that for my children. This is why I consume Sinek’s books and try my best to implement his lessons. His latest book, “Together Is Better,” is a new way of communicating his inspirational and optimistic message about purposeful living and work.

“Together Is Better” is a short, illustrated fable with further commentary on applications for the work environment. His message emphasizes that collaboration, trust building and a shared vision through the development of real relationships allow us to achieve more and to be more fulfilled at work and home.
If I hadn’t already known Sinek’s other works and been a huge fan, I may have passed on this book, thinking it was a children’s book. But the small size is actually a virtue. I find that many business books take way too long to make a few key points while using technical and overly formal language. Sinek has found a unique way to communicate some profound lessons that are accessible to people of all ages, educational backgrounds and positions. And, you can read it on a lunch break.

The book makes a great gift for anyone on your team. I highly recommend that you share it with the “leaders” in your organization. Leaders are defined not by title or job description, but as those individuals who inspire others to do their best and who create safe environments for others to succeed. I also shared copies with my teenagers to get them thinking about their journey in life and work.

Finally, this book is a good read for those individuals who are in a managerial or “leadership” role and haven’t yet learned how to move from being a MVP to a coach. Hopefully they will learn the basic message of this book, which comes from an African proverb: “To go fast, go alone. To go far, go together.”


Laurie Sewell
Servicon Systems, Inc.
Culver City, California



This “Little Book of Inspiration,” illustrated by Ethan M. Aldridge, tells the story of a boy who stands up for his beliefs on the playground. The fable’s message works as well in life as it does in business: People are more likely to overcome their challenges if they work together and build trust.

In addition to the story, Simon Sinek shares inspirational quotes and the lessons behind them to inspire readers to make worthwhile changes. “Together Is Better” is published by Portfolio.