This is part three of a three-part article about cloud-based sales proposals.

Most recently Cavalier Services has been using the software to add videos to its proposals.

“Which I think gets people’s attention more,” says Decker. “It’s really nice for us to be able to send the proposal, and then if you don’t hear anything for a few weeks, you can send a follow-up video. It gives it a personal touch.”

The videos also send email receipts upon the prospective client viewing or forwarding the email proposal.

“Sometimes, I’ll send a video and the same day I’ll see they looked at the proposal again,” says Decker.

The software’s process for uploading and sending videos also is much simpler than uploading them to YouTube, which is what Cavalier Services was doing previously. When the company would send out a proposal, the prospect would also have to go to YouTube to view the video. But this had its own problems.

“Then they would see every other YouTube video you’ve made, unless you’ve made it private,” says Decker. “But if you make it private, then the other videos can’t be seen anymore by the clients that you want to see them. It was such a hassle.”

Having the video as a part of the bid has gone over well with customers.

“I really feel like that has gotten us more interaction after a proposal than what we ever would have had any other way,” says Decker.

That’s true of the software overall, as well.

“I definitely think our clients are receptive to it, and they like it,” says Decker. “Even the old-school folks, who aren’t into video or that type of technology, they can print off a PDF, and it’s very easy for them to do. We have gotten feedback on those types of things. I’ve even gotten people who have said that they aren’t looking to make a change right now, but that they loved the video and said they’d definitely keep us in mind.”

The software also allows for full integration with a number of CRM programs like Microsoft Partner Network, Netsuite and Salesforce. Decker says that is another option Cavalier Services is considering.

“We have looked into integrating it into Salesforce,” says Decker. “We haven’t done that yet, but we do use Salesforce as a database. That is a huge asset to companies that want to do that. It could save you 40 minutes or so a day … to get that connectivity between the two.”

Overall, it’s clear that switching from a paper proposal to a digital one has been beneficial for Cavalier Services.

“We’re very happy with it,” Decker says of the software. “We love the functionality of the program, and we feel like it has made a difference — one that we can see.”

Jon DePaolis is a freelance writer based in Frankfort, Illinois.

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BSCs Receive Data On Proposal Tracking, Clicks