The second part of this two-part article focuses on the event's keynote speakers and networking opportunities.

Continuing its recent trend, ISSA will welcome several more big names as its keynote speakers this year, including one of television's top business minds and a famous comedian.

The first keynote kicks off at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 21, with Afterburner Inc., a global team of real fighter pilots, founded by Jim Murphy. The presentation, “Secrets of Flawless Execution,” will discuss how attendees and their staffs can be in full fighting form every day. The pilots have also promised to share some exciting, rare cockpit footage.

Next up, at 8 a.m., on Thursday, Oct. 22, Jay Leno, comedian and former host of “The Tonight Show,” will be on hand to offer some unique business insights and life lessons during “Funny Business: A Private Performance with Jay Leno.” Leno loves to test his humor on live audiences, so attendees will get a sneak preview of some of his latest standup material.

Rounding out the trio of keynote speakers is investor and host of ABC’s “Shark Tank,” Kevin O’Leary, who will host the ISSA Excellence Awards Luncheon at 1 p.m., on Friday, Oct. 23, and give a presentation called “How You Can Be a Successful Entrepreneur at Everything You Do.”

O’Leary will offer his unique observations from his six years as an investor on his popular TV series, including what every manager can learn from the companies made famous on the show. O’Leary’s advice comes from a career of building and managing multiple businesses and investing in hundreds more.

He will announce his choice of “Solution Guru” — aka the winner of the ISSA Excellent Idea contest — during his keynote address at the luncheon. He will play the video of the winning solution for the audience and describe why the innovative idea hits home.

On top of experiencing first-hand all the latest products, equipment and innovations the industry has to offer, there is no shortage of networking opportunities at the show.

In reality, the entire week is an opportunity to network, but ISSA has scheduled a few specific events to meet with old and new colleagues. Attendees can connect with industry peers at the ISSA Excellence Awards Luncheon on Friday, as well at the Show Floor Happy Hour on Thursday. The ISSA LinkedIn Reception is also on Thursday and runs from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., outside the ISSA Resource Center. The reception lets ISSA LinkedIn group members connect and possibly win great raffle prizes.

A great networking opportunity back by popular demand is the ISSA Bistro, an upscale dining option on the show floor. 

Those who attend the show, no matter their roles in the industry, will take home valuable information. Building service contractors in particular will find solutions they can’t find anywhere else and have access to supplier executives and technical experts whom they otherwise may not be able to reach. Plus, they’ll find trend updates and business advice to help maintain their competitive edge.

For those still debating whether going to Vegas this year is worth the expense, Rangel says building service contractors often tell her that by attending ISSA/INTERCLEAN, they are positioning themselves to be seen as more professional and as experts in the industry.

“They genuinely feel like they are missing out if they don’t invest the time to attend,” she says.
Nick Bragg is a freelance writer based in Milwaukee. He is a former Deputy Editor of Sanitary Maintenance, a sister publication of Contracting Profits.

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Las Vegas Welcomes Building Service Contractors for ISSA/INTERCLEAN 2015