Corinne Zudonyi

Many of you are aware that Contracting Profits conducts a handful of surveys every year. For those of you who have taken the time to participate and give feedback, thank you.

As tedious as these might seem, surveys are very valuable tools. They offer a snapshot of the industry and information that business owners can benchmark against. For example, from our most recent survey (explained in this month's cover story), we can identify trends by examining recent changes BSCs have experienced.

It might not come as a surprise that special service offerings have increased as a result of the pandemic. As facility customers allocated more dollars to cleaning, BSCs used the opportunity to branch out, capitalizing on add-on services — everything from carpet cleaning and floor stripping to exterior window care and pressure washing. According to the BSCs I've spoken to, these services are here to stay and are expected to be a differentiator among the competition.

After a rollercoaster 2020, these diversified services are expected to keep sales on the rise, along with an increase in cleaning frequencies. With all this added attention on cleaning, BSCs predict they can capitalize on a growing client base in the coming year. This additional business explains why 78 percent of readers forecast 2021 sales to be slightly or significantly higher than last year.

Full results from the 2021 BSC Market Report can be found here.