This is the fourth part of a seven-part article on recruiting and retention strategies.

Getting the word out about open positions takes some creativity. While many BSCs still use the more traditional routes of placing job ads in the newspaper or on employment websites, others find it helpful to be more proactive.

Klein says his company locates big box stores, laundromats and restaurants in the area near a new client and places help wanted signs in those neighborhoods.

Internal referrals also seem to be a good way to find quality hires — in fact, 81 percent of survey respondents utilize employee referrals. Some BSCs find this to be a successful strategy, especially if the new employees are teamed up with the ones who referred them.

“We match up new employees with the employees they know who referred them,” says Klein. “When you do that, have them work together, then it’s more important to both of them that they get the job done.”

4M offers a recruiting referral bonus of $100 per hourly worker and $1,000 for each salaried employee.

“We would rather have great team members bringing great team members into our company,” says Murch. “The current team member takes ownership of the new team member and makes sure they are bringing in someone that is a great fit for our culture, has an excellent work ethic, is responsible, honest and a good fit for the position.”

previous page of this article:
Hiring Janitors Who Will Stay
next page of this article:
Rewards And Recognition Programs