This checklist is designed to help Cleaning Service Providers (CSP) as they prepare to seek Green Seal Certification for a green cleaning program. The Standard establishes requirements for cleaning service providers, including in-house and external cleaning services, to create a green cleaning program that helps protect human health and the environment. For the purposes of this Standard, green cleaning encompasses all indoor activities typically required to clean commercial, public, and industrial buildings. Maintenance of exterior areas such as parking lots, grounds or picnic areas are excluded from the Standard, with the exception of areas directly outside building entryways. This Standard does not cover residential buildings.

__YES __NO CSP services commercial, public or industrial buildings
__YES __NO CSP provides a green cleaning service for one or more clients
__YES __NO CSP provides scheduled, on-going cleaning for clients
__YES __NO CSP provides complete, full-service cleaning to clients
__YES __NO Organizational chart with key relationships available
__YES __NO Employee count available
__YES __NO Client list available
__YES __NO

Complete contact information for all clients available

__YES __NO Information on environmental regulation violations available (last 12 months)
__YES __NO Information on CSP environmental compliance personnel developed and available
__YES __NO Environmental compliance plan available


3.1 Standing Operating Procedures
__YES __NO

CSP developed and maintains written guidelines or Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) governing cleaning procedures, chemical handling and tracking, equipment maintenance/operations, communication protocols/requirements, training and inspection programs, and reporting/record-keeping procedures. Guidelines are available to all cleaning personnel and clients.

3.2 Building-Specific Green Cleaning Plan
__YES __NO Comprehensive communications plan complete and available
__YES __NO Floor maintenance plan complete and available
__YES __NO Routine cleaning operations/activities schedule complete and available
__YES __NO Detailed description of how green cleaning will address the areas specified in 3.2.4 of GS-42 is available
3.3 Powered Equipment Use/Maintenance Plan
__YES __NO Powered janitorial equipment plan is complete and available
__YES __NO Current equipment evaluated and functioning properly
__YES __NO Plan to phase out equipment not meeting standards is complete
__YES __NO Powered equipment meets all criteria in section 3.3
__YES __NO Quarterly maintenance program established


4.1 Environmentally Preferable Cleaning Products and Supplies
__YES __NO Environmentally preferable products used for cleaning supplies as specified in section 4.1.1
__YES __NO 10% post-consumer recycled content plastic trash can liners used
__YES __NO New powered janitorial equipment listed in section 4.2 meets established criteria outlined in Section 3.3


5.1 Reducing Chemical Waste/Efficient Use of Chemicals
__YES __NO Directions to staff for diluting/chemical cleaning are available in appropriate written languages and graphic form
__YES __NO Mechanism is used for tracking quantities of chemicals consumed
__YES __NO Chemical measuring/dilution control system is used
__YES __NO Workers are trained regarding safe and effective chemical use
__YES __NO Appropriate technology for applying chemicals is used
__YES __NO Directions are provided for rinsing/disposing of chemical solutions
__YES __NO Measures are in place to prevent other building areas from being adversely affected
__YES __NO Cleaning chemicals are reduced, minimized and eliminated whenever possible
5.2 Reducing Solid Waste
__YES __NO Chemical products/supplies purchased to minimize packaging and container waste
__YES __NO Reusable cleaning cloths or microfiber technology used in lieu of paper products. Appropriate disposal/reuse mandates followed.
__YES __NO All appropriate waste items from cleaning operations segregated and recycled
5.3 Vacuum Use/Maintenance
__YES __NO Vacuums equipped with proper filter or bag; cleaned according to manufacturer’s recommendations
__YES __NO Vacuum bags or canisters inspected at least every two hours; changed or replace when half full or when indicated by sensor
__YES __NO Worker exposure to dust/particulate matter minimized
5.4 Entryways
__YES __NO Outside entryways kept free of debris; cleaned daily
__YES __NO Walk-off matting used both inside and outside of building
__YES __NO Matting vacuumed daily or more frequently if needed
5.5 Floor Care
__YES __NO Routine vacuuming of hard floor surfaces followed as specified in Section
__YES __NO Specifications for periodic maintenance of hard floors followed as detailed in Section
__YES __NO Specifications for restorative maintenance of hard floors followed as detailed in Section
__YES __NO Specifications for routine carpet maintenance followed as detailed in GS-42 Section
__YES __NO Specifications for periodic and restorative carpet cleaning followed as detailed in Section
5.6 Disinfection
__YES __NO Disinfection performed in areas or on surfaces where pathogens can collect/breed
__YES __NO Disinfection performed using EPA-registered disinfectants or devices
__YES __NO

Directions for preparing disinfecting solutions followed

5.7 Restroom Care
__YES __NO Restroom cleaning performed from high to low
__YES __NO Surfaces touched by hands cleaned/disinfected daily
__YES __NO Standing moisture on floors/bathroom surfaces controlled/removed
__YES __NO Use restroom cleaning equipment specifically for restroom cleaning only
__YES __NO Restroom trash liners pulled daily; receptacle disinfected
__YES __NO

Drain traps filled regularly

5.8 Dining Areas and Break Rooms
__YES __NO Surfaces in food preparation and consumption areas cleaned and sanitized daily or as required
__YES __NO Areas touched by hands cleaned and sanitized daily
__YES __NO Waste containers that may collect food have covers; are emptied once a day or when full, and are cleaned and sanitized daily
5.9 Trash Collection and Recycling
__YES __NO Trash removed and liners replaced only as required; trash removed before weekends and holidays
__YES __NO Trash disposed in external covered containers away from building
__YES __NO Building recycling programs supported
__YES __NO Recycling stations are clearly marked and accessible
__YES __NO Food-related recyclables are collected and removed before weekends
__YES __NO Recycling areas are inspected and cleaned daily
__YES __NO

Assistance is provided to building management with recycling issues

5.10 Indoor Plants
__YES __NO Indoor plants are maintained properly – disposal of plant debris, etc.
5.11 Vulnerable Populations
__YES __NO Daily cleaning scheduled to avoid exposure of vulnerable populations to the cleaning process
__YES __NO Cleaning procedures minimize or make unnecessary the use of cleaning chemicals
__YES __NO

Cleaning chemicals are used only in areas with sufficient ventilation

__YES __NO Employees are provided with proper initial, on-site or site-specific annual in-service training
__YES __NO Systems are in place to allow for employee feedback/comments
__YES __NO Pest management or maintenance issues are communicated to building owners
__YES __NO Materials provided to managers to help occupants reduce need for intensive cleaning
__YES __NO Notification provided to building management regarding which cleaning products are used; Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) plus contact info available.
__YES __NO

Building occupants with special needs have been identified and special processes have been established

__YES __NO

Cleaning personnel undergo initial training on Standard Operating Procedures before working independently

__YES __NO All personnel undergo standard safety training
__YES __NO Site-specific training is performed related to assigned tasks
__YES __NO All employees receive continuing training annually
__YES __NO Records of training are maintained and available.