How can BSCAI help BSCs increase sales?
BSCAI is focusing on sales training this year and we plan to have more education available to help members understand sales principals and industry best practices. There is an entire track of sales education offered each year at BSCAI’s Contracting Success Conference and material specific to sales in our BSCAI Knowledge Center .
Also, don’t be afraid to network with other BSCs at events. They will often refer business between markets that they don’t serve.
BSCs are experiencing a tough labor market. What programs does BSCAI offer to help recruit and retain janitors?
Labor in general is another key educational focus for us. Each of our national events has content that includes best practices for recruitment, retention and development of labor. BSCAI also commissions studies to help our members understand the trends in labor, including benefits and compensation, turnover and best practices in company culture and training.
We have a variety of vendor partners that add value for members, as well. Several of our partners are thought leaders, helping our members understand the complex issues surrounding labor. Finally, BSCAI has recently launched a job board that makes it easier for our members to post openings and recruit key talent.
You are a second-generation company and long-time member of BSCAI. How have you continued to find value from the association?
Each event I attend, I always come away with, at minimum, one new idea that impacts my company. Also, BSCAI friendships helped advise me through a 2012 merger of my firm with a partner, Paul Senecal. Several times per year I reach out to other members for advice on anything from a sales approach to operations solutions, or finance/insurance needs.
Why did you decide to join the BSCAI board and run for president?
My family joined BSCAI in 1968 and we have attended regularly for 50 years. I have had immeasurable benefits over the years for myself and our team, and got involved with the board so I can give back to the industry.
This association is member-driven; I enjoy the process of setting direction for the organization and seeing the growth and development of offerings and the members that we serve.
What aspect of the association are you most excited for in 2019?
Of course, the lineup of our events like the recent CEO Seminar, the upcoming Executive Management Seminar in Denver, and the fall Contracting Success Conference in Las Vegas. I look forward to continued education being released this year in the BSCAI Knowledge Center, as well as the rollout of our newest individual designation, and our renewed focus on government affairs, just to name a few.
What is your favorite BSCAI memory?
In my early years on committees, we visited Fairfax, Virginia, to meet in person. I recall a great May evening where Kirk VanderVlucht, CBSE, a few other members and I spent a long day meeting on the committee, then drove around Washington D.C. in a convertible, viewing the famous sites like the Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson Memorial, etc. It was a fabulous night with friends.
BSCAI President Talks Goals For 2019