The White House, republicans, democrats, and groups consisting of a bipartisan collection of U.S. Congress members have expressed interest in keeping many of the DACA beneficiaries in the country, in one way or another, according to the deals proposed over the past months.

The Trump Administration supported a plan brought forward by Republican Senator Chuck Grassley, which included a route to citizenship for Dreamers and funding to build the proposed wall between the United States and Mexico. However, the White House plan failed after a 60-39 vote on Feb. 15, according to Reuters. 

Other proposed bills addressing DACA have also recently failed.

Congress continues to work on a resolution, but its incentive to hash one out by the March 5 deadline was lessened after the Supreme Court’s rejection of Trump’s request for review. 

Monty says it’s very possible that a decision pertaining to DACA isn’t reached until after elections take place this November.

Trump took to Twitter April 1 to let the public know his favor of any type of DACA deal has dissolved.

“Border Patrol Agents are not allowed to properly do their job at the Border because of ridiculous liberal (Democrat) laws like Catch & Release. Getting more dangerous. ‘Caravans’ coming. Republicans must go to Nuclear Option to pass tough laws NOW. NO MORE DACA DEAL!,” the tweet reads.

Monty says Trump’s tweet should be taken seriously, but not literally as Trump has, in the past, said some positive things about DACA.

Conti has had trouble gaining any hope from the entire situation surrounding DACA due to the actions of both parties. He says fixing the issue could do wonders for workforces.

“It seems to me that finding a way to allow people to work legally in this country, if only temporarily, would take much of the fear from the process, and would allow for transparency of what our workforce really looks like,” says Conti. “This would also ensure everyone pays taxes and contributes to the communities they live in. Whether this includes citizenship or not seems irrelevant to the discussion.”

So what should members of the industry do right now if they want to save DACA?

They should speak, says Monty.

“Employers in our industry really need to chime in and talk to congressmen and senators,” says Monty, adding that the dialogue doesn’t have to “pull at the heart strings,” but rather demonstrate the facts. 


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