This is the second part of a four-part article about mobile survey software.

Jenkins believes the technology provides multiple benefits for BSCs, clients and end users.

“Clients really like it,” he says. “It’s a way for them to know that there’s someone people can provide feedback to.”

And for people using the restroom, mobile surveys provide an outlet for them to vent their frustrations if they encounter something unpleasant.

The surveys also provide valuable data for clients to consider.

“Based on feedback, clients can better understand their needs for a particular area and make adjustments,” says Jenkins. “For example, they may find that their restrooms are being used a lot more than they thought, so they may see an opportunity for more service and more frequent cleanings.”

Likewise, the survey software helps BSCs improve service quality and response times and keep facility owners in the loop.

“Our company commitment is to respond within five minutes, and that includes responding to these surveys,” says Jenkins. “We respond to our clients, letting them know we received feedback and we’re taking action on it.”

According to Jenkins, customers that are most receptive to this technology are those with public restrooms. Mobile surveys give members of the public a means to provide feedback in a facility where they don’t know who to contact if a restroom needs attention.

Managers of facilities with private restrooms frequented by employees often don’t find this technology of value, because they feel employees can direct their complaints to a manager on site.

Ben Bragg, director of franchise development for Dympash Global in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, has encountered resistance to the technology from clients.

“We talked to customers with larger facilities that had more than 1,000 people about placing these surveys in their restrooms,” he says. “A lot of building managers didn’t want to do it because they felt that there would be constant complaints from employees who use the restrooms on a daily basis.”

On the other hand, a member of the public is unlikely to use the same public restroom daily, and therefore would not fill out multiple surveys.

previous page of this article:
Mobile Surveys Can Increase Efficiency, Customer Satisfaction
next page of this article:
A New Tool For Quality Assurance Managers