After training your janitors on proper procedures for cleaning up blood, have them answer a few questions to make sure they understand. It’s too risky for them to have doubts.

Bloodborne Pathogens Training Quiz


1. According to the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, the only bodily fluid through which infectious diseases can be spread is blood.

2. Janitors do not need to practice good hygiene because they wear personal protective equipment.

3. What should you do if you clean up a spill of an unknown substance?
___Just clean it up as you would a regular spill; it probably isn’t infectious.
___As a precaution wear your personal protective equipment and use Universal Precautions to protect yourself and your family from any diseases that may be present in the fluid.

4. If you wear gloves when dealing with a bodily fluid there is no need to wash your hands after the job.

5. When washing your hands, it is okay to just rinse them quickly if you haven’t come into direct contact with a bodily fluid while cleaning.

6. If your gloves aren’t torn and don’t look dirty after a task they can be worn again.

7. Vomit is not considered a source of contamination unless blood is visible.

8. When cleaning up broken glass, you should first pick up the large pieces with your hands before you sweep up the rest.

9.    Rags used to clean up infectious material should be washed separately from the regular laundry.
Sign name:_________________________________________________

1. False
2. False
3. As a precaution wear PPE…
4. False
5. False
6. False
7. True
8. False
9. True

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How To Clean Blood