I’m honored to be able to review a book written by my good friend and this industry’s very own Todd Hopkins, along with co-writer Ray Hilbert. Hopkins is founder of Office Pride Commercial Cleaning Services and a very active member in Building Service Contractors Association International.
The two authors find a way to incorporate business, faith and personal principles in this powerful short story that will keep you glued to it until the end. It is a story about an executive who finds his way back to the joy of life, family and faith through the most unlikely person, “The Janitor.”
As fellow building service contractors, we can all relate to the demands of this industry, especially in the beginning. We can be so driven in our day-to-day activities that we lose focus of some of the most important things in life. They say you can hurt the ones you love the most and I’m sure that most of us reading this can attest that work has gotten in the way of family at some point.
The janitor in the story, through his wisdom and experience, is able to relate this message to a stressed-out, high-level CEO through six directives he learned from his own life. Messages include the importance of recharging, seeing family as a blessing, the power of prayer, leaving a legacy behind and more. Each directive is laid out well and both the readers and the story’s CEO begin to find ways to clear out the clutter in their lives and focus on what’s important.
(Read our recent profile on Todd Hopkins and Office Pride Commercial Cleaning Services here).
The book opened my eyes and forced me to examine some aspects of my own life. It also allowed me to make sense of past outcomes when I found myself in very similar situations years ago.
“The Janitor” is a must-read for any executive, manager or employee who finds themselves lost in their work day-in and day-out. We only live once and like the janitor explains, it’s not start date nor the end date on our tombstone that’s important, but the time spent in between.
Steve Garcia
Vice President/General Manager
SMI Facility Services
Albuquerque, New Mexico