Convenience. Ease of use. Cost savings. Satisfied staff.

Those words are music to the ears of building service contractors and their employees. And for company owners, that also translates into happier employees who sustain fewer overall injuries while cleaning.

That has been the effect of switching over to a disposable microfiber mopping system for Cummins Facility Services in Waldo, Ohio. Jill Frey is the owner and president of the company, overseeing 500 employees in the United States and 500 employees in Mexico.

Although the cost is greater up front, the company, which has been in business since 1972, is seeing real savings in the long run by using a disposable microfiber mopping system rather than cottons mops, or even launderable microfiber mops. 

Microfiber is a synthetic fiber that requires little or no water to use. It is soft, non-abrasive and, unless they are of the disposable sort, washable and reusable. Once the mop is purchased, the disposable microfiber mopping system requires nothing more than a box of replaceable cleaning cloths. Disposable microfiber sheets are attached to the bottom of the mop band and are changed with each use.

“It’s great for small areas,” says Frey, including quick spills, staircases, lobbies, small break areas and main restrooms. “You can use them without water, but you can add a little chemical spray.”

And once a sheet it used, the janitor switches out the soiled cloth for a new one, as simple as that.

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Use Microfiber For A Simplified, Quick Clean