The third part of this three-part article looks at different fragrance types.

Fragrances come in many varieties — from cherry to lemon to tropical. But there is a science to fragrance selection, says Huizenga. The fragrance BSCs suggest to their customers should depend a lot on the building’s occupants.

“Ladies prefer more fruity-type smells, while men tend to gravitate toward more earthy-type fragrances,” says Huizenga.

Several companies offer a musk-type smell that often appeals to men as well.

The closest thing to a one-scent-fits-all solution, says Huizenga, is a cucumber-melon scent.

“This seems to be a crossover fragrance that appeals to just about everybody,” he says. “The other one that is extremely popular is the fresh linen smell.”

Another popular solution is to change the fragrances with the seasons. Floral scents are popular in the spring, herbal or fruity scents in the summer, citrus in the fall and spice in the winter.

There are, however, some times when fragrances should be avoided altogether. Health care facilities and nursing homes often avoid fragrances out of fear that they may negatively affect their vulnerable populations. 

“There is a small but increasing percentage of the population who are sensitive to any kind of fragrance or odor control,” says Murch. “There are some products that offer an odor neutralizer with a very light but pleasant fragrance. While no air freshener could ever be completely hypoallergenic to everyone in the world, we do find this type of scent can be an acceptable alternative where someone has an issue with traditional fragrances and perfumes.”

A quality restroom odor control program embodies more than just a fragrance to mask the smell. It includes a consistent cleaning schedule, the right products to tackle odors at the source and a pleasant fragrance to keep the smell down.

Ronnie Garrett is a freelance writer based in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin.

previous page of this article:
Consider Restroom Size, Traffic When Choosing Odor Remover