Nobody is going to argue that Raul Borja isn’t willing to put others ahead of himself. At a time when so many people fear for their own health due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, Borja has willingly performed terminal cleans at a medical facility as part of his job at Bee Line Support of Chicago. His sacrifice is made even more impressive by the fact that it shows he’s more committed to his employer of just over a year than some are to their employer of decades.
“Raul’s extremely proud of his work and respectful of the medical staff and frontline workers he’s surrounded by, doing everything he can to contribute to their safe work environment,” says Bee Line Support in an email to Contracting Profits.
Bravery and respect aren’t the only traits Raul puts on display on a daily basis. He is known for having an uncanny ability to quickly respond to a situation where his help is needed without being asked and does a good job of anticipating the needs of Bee Line’s medical clients. His attention to detail is so great that even the patients in the medical facilities voice their pleasure with his work.
Paige Weber of Bee Line Support recalls a day in July where Raul was responsible for nine terminal cleans across several rooms. A patient in one of the rooms called down to a nurse to let her know that she had never seen a person do a better job cleaning a room than Raul just did.
“Raul works very hard day in and day out, and his help and attention to detail is very much appreciated,” says Weber. “A patient praising him is the first time I have experienced this anywhere that I have managed.”
Each month this section will recognize an outstanding frontline janitor.
To nominate a deserving employee, email jake.meister@tradepress.com