This year marks my 15th anniversary with Trade Press Media Group, the parent company of Contracting Profits. To say thanks for my commitment, the CEO personally gave me an Amazon gift card. It was a simple and generous gesture that I truly appreciated. And, I was certainly happy to go online and immediately purchase a treat for myself.
Next week, building service contractors have an opportunity to show appreciation to their staff members. Oct. 17 is “Thank Your Cleaner Day” and it’s the perfect time to express gratitude for the hard work frontline janitors do every day.
However, recognition and appreciation really shouldn’t be limited to just one day. Staff should be acknowledged all year long.
Everyone knows cleaning is not a glamorous industry and it’s difficult to attract and retain candidates for janitorial positions. Turnover for this industry can reach upwards of 400 percent. Considering that the Society for Human Resource Management put the average cost-per-hire at $4,129, BSCs should do whatever they can to hold on to their good employees. Recognition can go a long way.
Studies have shown that two-thirds of employees leave a company if they don’t feel recognized. BSCs who have focused on employee engagement and recognition have reported turnover as low as 20 percent.
Employee recognition programs don’t have to be costly, but they should be thoughtful. Think of rewards that may be personal for a given employee, or at least allow staff members to pick out something specifically for them.
Also, be sure to spread the word about milestone anniversaries, above-and-beyond customer service, great safety records and more.
With so much cleaning done after normal business hours, it’s likely difficult to get everyone into the office at the same time for a party. However, a manager could surprise the employee with pizza at the job site to celebrate with the team. Afterwards, be sure to recognize the employees in an email or company newsletter so everyone hears the news.