Compliance is shifting and it’s a challenge for cleaning businesses to stay informed when change is the new normal. But when implemented and leveraged correctly, a holistic software solution tailored to your business’ industry can be leveraged as a tool to keep operations stable and compliant in the face of change.
TEAM Software develops market-leading fi nancial, operations and workforce management solutions for contractors with distribut ed workforces, with a focus on the cleaning industry in North Amer ica, Australia and the U.K. and Ireland. Our technology tools keep your business fl exible so you can adjust your operating procedures, workfl ows and reporting requirements in response to compliance requirements from government entities — while remaining account able to your customers and contracts, employees and leadership.
TEAM’s fully integrated, holistic technology reduces risk and costs and drives effi ciency, profi tability and growth. Founded in 1989, TEAM is headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska, U.S.A.
800-500-4499 / sales@teamsoftware.com / teamsoftware.com