There are many strategies and styles that can be used by salespeople to grow their business. Consultative selling is a concept that sets salespeople apart based on their level of technical knowledge combined with their “investigative” ability to uncover specific customer needs or problems, and then solve them.

It is important to note that technical expertise has been intentionally separated from the ability to actually solve problems. Being a problem-solver is incredibly important, but it is also important to develop expertise. And what may be equally important, if not more so is the ability to develop “unique” expertise.

In this way, consider the accelerating trend towards green cleaning. Helping prospective customers navigate the “green” issues is of real value. The timing is incredibly good, especially with the recent release of the U.S.Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for Existing Buildings rating system. The market is growing exponentially. Green is a topic customers want or need to know about — an important checkpoint for consultative selling.

The first step is to develop specific technical expertise in green cleaning and general expertise in green building and sustainability issues. Some of the most important information you’ll need to learn is that green cleaning is more than just switching from a traditional cleaning product to a green alternative. Rather, we must develop expertise on how “green” affects the whole range of issues from chemicals to equipment to janitorial paper to procedures to tools to communicating with occupants, visitors and other service contractors.

We must also develop expertise on a range of building issues. For example, the requirement for a green cleaning program in office buildings is different from schools or hospitals. But we also need to develop the expertise to help prospective customers develop the most effective green cleaning program even within each building type.

For instance, green cleaning in an elementary school may be different when compared to an appropriate green cleaning program in a high school. And creating a green cleaning program in a school in the hot humid southeast is different from a school located in the dry desert southwest. And creating a green cleaning program may be different depending on the comparative age of the buildings, their state of disrepair and the number of sensitive people within the buildings.

So, becoming a “green” consultative sales person may sound complicated and in some respects it is, but the needed information on these green topics is available.

Consultative selling is a superior sales strategy. But you can further differentiate yourself by becoming a green consultative sales person. Not only can you help your current and prospective customers, but you can do so in a way that takes advantage of the growing demand for green. In this way, green consultative sales people can also make green an excellent sales and business strategy.