Janitor, employer and customer — all three benefit from evidence-based cleaning in different ways, which makes the technology all the more enticing.

Supervisors and building service contractors get palpable, educational feedback from evidence-based cleaning data that can help to increase their efficiencies and profits. For example, a supervisor could analyze the data provided by janitors to identify bad habits they might have picked up. If the time-stamped data shows too much time is spent cleaning toilets, training to help tighten up the task might be in order. Conversely if the janitor is finishing the restroom tasks quickly, but the cleaning itself leaves much to be desired, a lecture on attention to detail might be appropriate.

“It definitely tightens up hours, training, accountability, efficiency for the client,” says Dominic Amoroso, director of operations for Rozalado Services, a Chicago-based commercial cleaning service company whose ownership also developed the app, RozaRoute. “It provides efficiency in every service and every department.”

In addition, if a job takes longer to complete due to scheduling issues, it can be reassigned to another worker with more availability, who will find the additional work automatically updated on the task list, says Bishop.

The tracking of a worker’s movement could also potentially lead to better travel time during shifts.

“The application tracks the transit time between various sites, too, so all this data is something that can later be used in order to make routes or shifts more efficient,” says Backstrom.

Good building service contractors do right by the customer, so developing data that conveys to the client that what they pay for is what they get works out for both parties.

“You (the building service contractor) will over time gather a very impressive record that can be used when planning or quoting future jobs, as you know exactly how long it takes to clean a certain type of space,” says Backstrom. “You can also establish a quality record that provide you with an unbiased record of how well or how bad certain premises have been cleaned or how well or bad a certain cleaner’s performance is.”

Not only does the data prove that janitors cleaned the area, but the technology allows janitors to provide photographic evidence.

“The advantage is documented proof of the quality level and provides visibility to their customer,” says Michelle Shanholtz, vice president of product management at TEAM Software, Omaha, Nebraska.

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Exploring Evidence-Based Cleaning
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Empowering Cleaners With Job Satisfaction And Purpose