In addition to substantiating general claims, the revised Green Guides also outline rules regarding the use of green labels, which specify certifications and seals of approval. With many cleaning products bearing some type of green label, this new section of the Guides should offer an at-a-glance clarification of certifications for purchasers.

The Green Guides indicate that the green label on products, as well as marketing materials, must now distinguish among first-, second- and third-party certifications or seals.

First-party seals, which are created by a manufacturer, must explain that this is a self-certifying program and benefits have not been verified by an independent outside organization. Second-party seals are those created by an industry association (for example, ISSA) and also need to disclose this information.

Third-party seals are those from an independent organization, such as Green Seal, UL Environment, GREENGUARD, etc. While these certifications don’t require a qualifying statement about the certifying body, a green label by itself isn’t enough validation. Products in all three categories should still specify which attributes meet the certification; otherwise purchasers will think the certification applies to the entire product, which is incorrect and in violation of the Guides.

The FTC is giving preference to third-party green labels, but is still allowing manufacturers and associations to develop their own certifications. The Guides are designed to make it easy for purchasers to decipher the difference among green labels and provide all the necessary information required prior to purchasing.

“As long as we’re transparent, we’re good to go,” says Steve Ashkin, president of The Ashkin Group, Bloomington, Ind.

Even though the FTC isn’t preventing the use of first- and second-party seals, requiring qualifying language may reduce their quantity, especially first-party green labels. Manufacturers may be less inclined to promote their own seals because they will have to prominently display a disclaimer on the product label.

“Anytime there is a disclaimer, there is less credibility in the marketplace,” says Weissman. “No consumer is going to give much credence to it and distributors won’t be able to say it matters.”

DAN WELTIN is the editor-in-chief of Sanitary Maintenance and Contracting Profits magazines, sister publications to Housekeeping Solutions.

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