hands holding dirt with plant growing out of it

Survey reveals how facility managers feel about green and sustainable initiatives
There are myriad reasons why a facility cleaning manager might decide to implement a new cleaning program. Sometimes products are purchased or processes are created as a result of budgets, or changes in staffing. In some facilities, infection control drives process changes. Then there are operations that prioritize health and environmental stewardship.

In fact, the latter has seen substantial increases in as little as a year.

In this 2019 Green and Sustainability Survey, 61 percent of Facility Cleaning Decisions readers felt implementing sustainable practices into their cleaning operations is very important, compared to just 45 percent at the end of 2017. And they aren’t quiet about sharing departmental successes either. Managers agree that communicating the value of sustainability has grown in importance.

In 2017, only 25 percent of departments marketed their programs. Today, 45 percent of managers are speaking up.

As a result, two-thirds of departments have seen an improved perception of their departments. And nearly half believe green and sustainable initiatives have improved the marketability of their facilities.

As green and sustainable initiatives continue to grow and become more commonplace, facility cleaning managers are looking past their own doors for partners. Not only do managers feel it’s important to green their own programs, but they look for the same thinking in their suppliers.

Eighty-two percent of Facility Cleaning Decisions readers expect their manufacturer and distribution partners to embrace sustainable initiatives in their own processes. This is up from just 64 percent in late 2017.

The reason, managers say, is “this shows the manufacturer and distributor have a true commitment to sustainable business practices to reduce environmental impact.” Another manager said, “it shows a real commitment to the program.”

The bottom line is, partners that practice what they preach will better understand the needs of departments. They’ll be better prepared to recommend products that both support the end goal and are effective in their function.

These survey results outline where managers stand and what else is driving green and sustainable initiatives in facilities.

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Survey: Green Cleaning Trends