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Finding and retaining quality staff is difficult for facility executives across the country. In this 2019 Facility Cleaning Decisions Management Survey, we asked custodial executives in K-12 schools, colleges/universities, as well as healthcare, commercial, hospitality and government facilities about the staffing challenges that they currently face. Below are their responses.

Questions include:
Which employee issues have the biggest impact on your cleaning department?
What is the average turnover rate for cleaning departments?
Do you believe your turnover rate is lower, about the same or higher than other facilities?
On average, how long does the typical janitor stay with your company?
What is the average stint janitors stay on the job?
What is the main reason janitors leave?
Do you believe your department is adequately staffed?
What additions to your department would help guarantee the facility is properly cleaned?
Do you plan to add staff to the department in the next 12 months?
What is the reason for needing additional staff?
What retention strategies have you tried with your janitorial staff?
What is the starting salary for new cleaning workers?

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Cleaning Managers Outline Purchasing Trends