Talk “cost” and discussions regarding outsourcing cleaning are inevitable. You should be prepared to discuss the pros and cons of contract cleaning with your organization’s other decision-makers.

You’re not alone when it comes to outsourcing research. E-mails from readers in the past month sought advice on how to become more conversant regarding staffing options. Among them, a custodial manager at a state college, the head engineer at a school district and a facility manager at a state agency. Their question is the same: “My organization’s chancellor/director/administrator is considering outsourcing. Do you have information I can use that explains the cons of contract cleaning?”

The facility managers and cleaning directors featured in the cover story have plenty to add to your “cons” list. But keep in mind that every facility is different. What works for one organization doesn’t necessarily work for another. Be sure to thoroughly research the pros, as well, while considering your facility mission. The more you know about the topic, the better you will do when it’s time to have the talk.