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Shortly after I graduated college and started my first real, grown-up job, the company I worked for was bought out. The new owners gifted each of the employees the book “Who Moved My Cheese?” If you haven't read this classic, it's touted as "an amazing way to deal with change in your work and in your life." 

I did pick up a tip or two, but more than anything, this book introduced me to an entirely new category of reading. It was the first of many business and leadership resources that I'd tap into throughout my career, each of which has helped shape the leader I am today. 

For example, many books focus heavily on accountability and honesty. To me, these go hand in hand and are the foundation a leader can stand on. If you say you are going to do something, do it. Be the type of person you would count on. If you can't follow through, be honest about it. Working your way around a problem up front is far easier than digging yourself out of a hole later.  

A leader that is honest and accountable sets an example and has a leg up when it comes to creating a strong workplace culture, another piece of advice from the experts. Add a recognition initiative or a process for sharing ideas up the ranks and you’re well on your way, or so books often say.  

Other tips I’ve picked up over the years include maintaining open communication; setting clear goals and expectations; finding ways to connect with your team; keeping a positive (or at least constructive) attitude; and teaching staff in a way that encourages personal and professional growth.  

Some of this might seem common sense, but I’m constantly pleased by what tips I pick up from the most surprising books. Personally, the toughest part is choosing which book to read.  

To help you overcome that same hurdle, we’ve gone ahead and launched a Book Club on CleanLink. Twice a month, we’ll share a different leadership book for your reading pleasure. It’ll be featured in our daily newsletter, but if you miss that, do a search on CleanLink for “book club” and start reading.  

Also, we take recommendations! If you know of a book worth sharing, drop me an email and we’ll add it to our list. As I learned from Reading Rainbow, “Just take a look, it’s in a book.” 

Corinne Zudonyi is the Editor-in-Chief of Facility Cleaning Decisions and has been in the cleaning industry for 17 years. She also oversees, Sanitary Maintenance magazine and Contracting Profits magazine.