Increased media attention regarding a variety of public health issues has helped building occupants become more aware of how their surroundings can affect their health. While news accounts around the country may have induced panic in some communities, for the most part, mainstream coverage of issues such as mold, cross-contamination and chemical sensitivities are helping make a case for quality housekeeping operations. But as the public becomes more aware of how necessary your work is, it brings added responsibility.

In this issue, we offer tips regarding what tasks make sense for housekeeping decision makers to take on. Industry consultant Dave Frank also provides a plan for evaluating existing operations to make sure you’re cleaning as efficiently as possible. And veteran Steve Spencer presents a new way to measure clean, so you can document how well your operations are protecting public health. Housekeeping Solutions is proud to sponsor both gentleman who will present management seminars at the upcoming ISSA/INTERCLEAN convention and trade show in Las Vegas, Oct. 16.