My mom use to tell me, “Don’t sweat the small stuff. Life’s too short.” I think this is great advice and, for the most part, I still take it to heart. But, the older I get, the more I find myself not only sweating the small stuff, but focusing on it. More and more in life, it’s the details that make the difference and I’ve learned that the big challenges are best tackled by breaking them down into tactics and strategies.

Cleaning managers who can look at the big picture and master the details required to achieve their overall goals can make a big impact on a facility’s bottom line.

For example, research shows that upper management is even more demanding when it comes to doing things faster, greener, cheaper and cleaning. Thus, housekeeping managers must familiarize themselves with the details within the department so they are prepared to make the difficult decision of where to make cuts in cases of budget restraints.

Whether you have to improve cleaning times, cut budgets, implement green or focus on the appearance of clean, arm yourself with the details necessary to get it done.

As a cleaning manager, you should go the extra mile and when it comes time to streamline your cleaning program, take a step back and make sure you are sweating the small stuff.


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