SDA’s Resource on Hard Surface
Cleaners & Disinfectants
A consumer fact sheet published by The Soap and Detergent Association (SDA) describes the safe, beneficial, and proper use of surface cleaning products and disinfectants. SDA’s “Product Fact Sheet: Hard Surface Hygiene” is available on SDA’s Web site, at

“Our fact sheet gives expert advice on how, when and where consumers should use surface cleaners and disinfectants,” said Nancy Bock, SDA vice president of education. “These products, when used as directed, play an important role in helping to ensure our homes and schools are clean and our families are healthy.”

The Hard Surface Hygiene Fact Sheet talks about the many surfaces where germs can linger; describes the product types available for consumer and institutional use; gives brief summaries of many common ingredients that help make the product effective and beneficial; and provides tips on safe and proper use, storage and disposal of the product.

Nearly nine out of 10 Americans believe cleaning products are safe when used as directed, according to a 2006 survey conducted for the SDA.

“SDA and its member companies are committed to sharing information on using cleaning products and disinfectants safely, properly and effectively,” added Bock. “Our Hard Surface Hygiene Fact Sheet gives consumers, educators and public health professionals another information tool on products that help prevent the spread of germs that can make us sick.”

Federal Judge Delays Illegal Worker Policy
Federal Judge, Charles R. Breyer of the Northern District of California, ordered an indefinite delay on the Bush administration’s strategy to curb illegal immigration. Judge Breyer said that the government used improper procedure in issuing this new rule that would have forced employers to fire workers if their Social Security numbers could not be verified within three months.

This decision is a huge win for employers, as this rule could have lead to the unjust firing of many thousands of legally authorized workers.

Not only did Judge Breyer order a halt to the rule, his decision also bars the Social Security Administration from sending out about 141,000 no-match letters, covering more than eight million employees, which include notices from the Homeland Security Department explaining the new rule.

Judge Breyer also noted this fact: “There is a strong likelihood that employers may simply fire employees who are unable to resolve the discrepancy within 90 days,” even if they are legal.

He ordered a halt to the rule until the court could reach a final decision in the case, which could take many months.

Asthma Study
According to the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, some spray cleaning products and air fresheners may be a cause of asthma in adults. Even using a spray just once a week may be enough to trigger the disease, researchers suggest.

A new study — which recruited 3,500 people from 10 European countries — found that up to 15 percent, or one in seven cases of adult asthma, could be caused by cleaning sprays.

Even sporadic use of sprays resulted in a 6 percent increase in asthma. Not surprisingly, the risk increased with usage, and people who used them every other day or so increased their risk by a further 50 percent.

The worst culprits were cleaning sprays, air fresheners, and furniture and glass cleaners.