We all know the importance of networking. Of course it’s easily done if able to travel to industry events. What advice would you give managers who are unable to travel, but still want to network and grow their careers?

This is an obstacle that I am too familiar with. The internet has made networking and training much easier to access when faced with this constraint. Many associations, government agencies, private industries, etc., have developed excellent webinars that an individual only needs access to a computer.  
Michael Gutierrez
Manager of Building Operations
Milwaukee Public Schools

Use social media. I have made friends all over the world and we communicate through use of email or Facebook. But it’s also important to have face time, so get involved with other professionals right within your city. Housekeeping is everywhere and there’s always something to me be learned, and a relationship to be made.
Babette Beene
Environmental Services Manager
University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center

I would encourage managers to participate in webinars and follow up with presenters and other attendees - via phone or email - after the session is over. I would also suggest using a professional based social media network such as LinkedIn, or connect to an organization that provides an opportunity to network through the internet. 
Ada Baldwin, M.R.E.H.
Director of University Housekeeping
North Carolina State University

Join internet networks sponsored by magazines such as Facility Cleaning Decisions and others. I have also found LinkedIn a very good source for articles, discussions and expanding my network base, I have also attended a couple of virtual shows and webinars, which have been informative and easily accessible.
Steven Spencer
Facilities Specialist
State Farm Insurance

If unable to travel to attend industry events, I would highly recommend making use of email groups such as Unify on the IEHA webpage where questions/problems can be shared and others, many with much experience can share their expertise. Possibly joining a chapter where telephone conferencing is an option to be able to attend discussions or education without leaving your facility. Showing initiative for furthering your knowledge no matter how you obtain that knowledge is a great stepping stone for career advancement.
Doreen Bessert, C.E.H.
Worksite Placement Coordinator, Custodial Supervisor & Central Purchasing Agent
Manitowoc County DPW

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Benefits Of Involvement With Industry Associations