Attracting And Working With Millennials

Current reports indicate that at least one-third of the workforce is now made up of Millennials. This is that 20-to-35-year-old age group that Baby Boomer managers have struggled to understand, and, sometimes, rightfully so.

Reportedly, Millennials have some interesting demands of the organizations they work for. For example, does your facility offer a “chill-out zone?” Better yet, have you even heard of one?

According to an office interior survey, Millennials are looking for businesses to offer areas that are conducive to “chilling out” or relaxing from time to time. As many as 20 percent of young talent have rejected job offers due to outdated or uninspiring building designs that lack these types of spaces.

The same survey revealed that Millennials are looking to work for businesses that offer the opportunity for activities. Thirty percent stressed the need for accessible exercise and recreational facilities. (Maybe they’ll consider the physical demands of cleaning an activity?)

Although demands like these seem extreme, most of the things Millennials desire are reasonable. For example, personal health is very important to those entering the workforce. According to a Forbes report, green cleaning and sustainable initiatives rank high on Millennial expectations. Cleanliness levels notwithstanding, young workers expect not to be exposed to “harsh chemicals that negatively affect employee health or the natural environment.”

These expectations rank alongside reduced facility energy, power and water consumption. And rounding out the list is an effective program that will reduce waste and improve sanitation programs.

According to a Lightspeed study, over two-thirds of young workers are so committed to sustainability, they would be willing to give up social media for a week if everyone at their company recycled. One in 10 went so far to say they would quit a job if they found out their employer was not sustainable.

For sustainable-focused cleaning departments, these green initiatives can be selling points to attract the next generation to the workforce. And sharing common sustainability goals will help bond young and old workers on the same team.