What are some of the common cleaning-related complaints managers receive regularly?
• Clogged toilets
• Cobwebs and dust in the air intakes
• Dirty windows
• Slow at responding to wet spills
• Dust on top of cabinets or in cluttered areas
• Failure to empty the trash cans and/or left the dumpster lids open
• Odors
• Cleaning interrupts on-going business
• Floors need to be vacuumed better
• Cleaning is not being done as often as it is needed
• Paper shredding machines are full
• Stained furniture
• Whiteboards/blackboards need cleaning and replacement markers/chalk is needed

previous page of this article:
Top Complaints Plaguing Facility Cleaning Managers
Top Complaints Plaguing Facility Cleaning Managers
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Managing Time Spent On Cleaning Complaints
Managing Time Spent On Cleaning Complaints
POSTED ON: 11/3/2017